Contemplation: a Method for interfacing with Allah...Motivational Islam

  Contemplation: a Method for interfacing with Allah...Motivational Islam 

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Author: Maryam Kaleem 

Two very different our emotional and physical health are improved by mindfulness. It improves our ability to focus, ensures inner tranquilly, and fosters creativity.

The benefits of introspection are enormous. In addition to these benefits, it is a powerful way of communicating with Allah. We'll understand how meditation functions for us now as a means of connecting with Allah.

Why do we wish to be in Allah's company?

Whether or if science has reached the lunar surface today, we do not yet know all of the answers. We are surrounded by amazing machines and plot twists of events. Our quality of life has massively increased thanks to recent technological advancements. We always feel empty on the inside.

Whoever is able to fill that gap?

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Our family, friends, and partners undoubtedly add variety to our lives. Nevertheless, we experience a lack of fulfilment throughout our daily lives. When we cooperate with ALLAH, there is great fulfilment. He possesses an unmatched power. In any case, his endowments function when nothing else does for us.

We frequently encounter questions in our daily lives for which no one seems to have an answer. Everyone has a different perspective, yet no one seems to be able to convince. ALLAH  rarely needs to react to questions.

He can point us in the proper direction if we come into contact with heavenly force. To do that, you must establish a personal relationship with ALLAH  so that you can communicate.

There are numerous methods to connect with Allah almighty:

We connect with Allah in a variety of ways. We travel to heavenly locations. We submit standard petitions. Mantras are sung to us. We adhere to specific rituals, such as giving water to the sun, among others.

Different people place value in different ways. What we truly want to determine is how viable our approach is. On the off chance that you don't feel connected to ALLAH, what use is it to make a request? The majority of these paranormal activities have become a part of our daily lives, yet they lack spirit.

The great majority of traditional methods work as uneven communication. "For prayer to ALLAH  is nothing more than being in contact with him on his terms.

Humans pray for us to achieve our goals. 

Lord must provide immediate blessings for every one of us. We sincerely hope to understand that Lord can teach us the route and that we must follow it. In this approach, request bearing takes the place of objectivity.

How wonderful it would be if you could communicate with God. Yes, you can have a conversation with god. Talk to him instead of simply repeating the same mantra or prayer over and over. He is able to react to all of your questions.

You must have a relationship with God in order to do it. You alone are responsible for deciding what kind of relationship you should pursue.

One of the most remarkable methods to interact with Allah is through intercession''

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"The road to Eternity is one of profound meditation. It is a stepping stone for spiritualists that leads from the earth to paradise, from error to truth, and from suffering to peace."

You can have a personal relationship with ALLAH  through intercession. What are your actions in any connections? You ought to have a contribution to make. You want to ask a few questions. In fact, you might need to get to know each other properly. Your discussion can be Creat however you like.

There is a strong need to obfuscate the issues. Here are some simple steps you might take to connect with ALLAH :

Discover a peaceful environment

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If appropriate, keep your eyes shut.

You would sense the flow among several factors toward you.

Your consciousness is still contemplating your daily activities. Your focus is still on the creature avoiding you

Understand the bigger picture. Just relax and try not to stress internally. Ask that each thought to leave your mind for a moment.

Embracing me will allow them to focus on you.

You are currently prepared to speak with God.

Think of him as a beacon of light in front of you. Think of him as your father or friend. Think of him in any role you can think of.

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